Sunday, December 13, 2009

FiNaLlY sOmE tHaNkSgIvInG pIcS

Our schools started a "modified traditional" schedule a few years ago which means we get a week off at Thanksgiving, 3 weeks off at Christmas and 2 weeks off at spring break. So ever since we have been able to have 2 Thanksgivings, one in Utah with my family and one in Las Vegas with Brad's family. We go to Utah first and spend a few days and have our Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Here are a few of the pictures that we took.

Here are a few random pics... just hanging out in grandma's basement...

Some fun on the segways...

Just messin' around...

The cousins...

oh, bubba... yep, some messin' around AGAIN!

AND again...

Dessert! yum!

back to the basement... messin' around some MORE!

sittin' with grandma!

Decorating grandma's tree!

We babysat Lane a couple of times while we were there...

Now, in Vegas... we have such a big crew on this side of the family that we always have our Thanksgiving dinner at the church.... notice who was 1st in line for food! Yep, Bradly boy! AND, then the kids! HAHA

AND, you might notice... I guess it just cant be Thanksgiving without the big gulps, HAHA!

After we are done eating and chatting for a bit, we put away the tables and bring in the couches...

There is always a ton of sports in the gym. I missed getting pics of basketball, indoor soccer, and football... not sure what I was doing... eating still??? chatting??? checking the ads for black Friday??? Anyway, here are some pics of volleyball...

Hugs and saying good bye... to my girls...

oh, AND Dallin! Love you, Dal Pal!

I should say I am so very grateful for my family and for the gospel and for the knowledge that families are for.ever!!!


Cynthia said...

looks like a ton of fun! I'm so jealous of the Segways- we wanted my Hubs to be "Paul Blart, Mall Cop" for Halloween and were trying to figure out how to make a faux Segway for him.

I hope all is going well for you and the new-ish job isn't keeping you TOO busy!

Letti said...

What a beautiful family you have. I love the idea of having Thanksgiving at church. We have a huge family too and that looks like something I might have to look into.

Scrappy Girl said...

I want to ride a segway! How FUN! Glad you had a good holiday!

CB said...

Good to see how much fun you had with your family at Thanksgiving! Such a good looking group!!

I am with everyone else - those segways look WAY too fun!!

Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Season!!

Cherie :D