"No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience, is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God... and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we came here to acquire and will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven." Sorry, I can't remember where I got this. I almost didn't post it due to that... Pam, do you know??? Have a great day... we are all in this together!!!
That quote is from Elder Orson F. Whitney. It has long been one of my favorite quotes too!
And yes, we are all in this together...thankfully!!!!
Thank you, Jodi!!!
love it.. needed it.. Did you read my last post. Your post was ment for me.... Thanks
I really need to show this to my dear son and his wife. They are having a bit of a pity party because finances are tight. Tuition and other things have got them in a bind and they think the world is just too tough. I keep trying to get them to understand that it could be SOOOO much worse and they should be grateful. I need to e-mail them this quote for sure!
DANG! Jodi beat me.... I was out helping a friend! Oh Well, you can find that Spencer W Kimball quoted this in this book Faith Proceeds the Miracle page 98.... JUST saying .......
Heres one for you This is on page 296 of the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (look in the 1981 version not the commerative ones...
All your loses will be made up to you in the resurrection provided you remain faithful. By the vision of the almighty I have seen it,
Are you and Pam like the smartest Gospel teachers on the planet? This is just another strength for me to go on. Thanks Shaila.
YOU help me endure. I'm so blessed by your friendship!
great thought for the day....and you are so funny for almost not posting this because you couldnt' remember where you got it from!!! ha ha!!!!
Dang it, I knew it was Elder Whitney...great reminder.
Love the last few posts - praying for you and your family. I know how hard it all is...K
i love this quote and thank you for the beautiful reminder/
Great past few posts...you ALWAYS have insight into things. Praying for you and your family - it can be tough - but then so are you. K
Thank you so much for your email. You will never know what it means to me. You have the heart of an angel. m
Shaila, Here is the link for an alternative cancer treatment that saves lives. My mother in law took it 30 years ago with stage four breast cancer and had no surgery and no chemo or radiation and is completely fine. You can get Laetrile treatments from Dr. Harold Klaussen in Aberdeen Idaho. The reason I know this is Taryn had two tumors last year the size of grapefruits and we took her to Dr. Klaussen. He said they were not cancer from a single blood test. He was right. If she had had cancer we would have started her on Laetrile immediately. The way it works is it attacks the cancer by killing it from inside the tumor. The B-17 vitamin passes through the tumor without killing anything but the cancer in your body. It leaves your immune system in tact and able to fight off infection and other life threatening problems. Once Chemo and radiation kills your immune system you can no longer fight off even the common cold. The hardest thing about this treatment is getting people to listen, especially older people who believe their doctor won't lead them into the wrong treatment for them. It works. My mother in law is living proof. It used to only be available in Mexico because the FDA and Drug companies won't let it be advertised here in the United states as a cancer "cure". I don't want you to lose your dad. I lost mine last year when he died in his sleep for no apparent reason. It's the hardest thing to do, live without your dad when you've been a daddy's girl your whole life. Thankfully we know through the gospel that this life is only part of our existence. I send you my love and courage and please look into this medication. I'm warning you though, it will be hard to take a stand against the doctors and do something outside the box. It's worth it. I had Taryn's oncologist sending me threatening letters and telling me I was not caring for my child properly. She does not have cancer and never did. Dr. Klaussen was right. They were wrong. They wanted to radiate her and possibly take away her health for the rest of her life. It's so hard because as a mother you want to protect your child and do the right thing. I prayed non stop for answers and was led to Dr. Kalussen. I love you sweetheart. I always have.
Adele Elkins Gregersen
Wow. I think that is the longest comment I have ever seen...
I love this quote, and further find comfort knowing I don't have to do this little gig here all alone!
What a Great quote.. I love it. thanks for sharing.
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