Thursday, August 14, 2008


I volunteer at the high school two days a week in the guidance office (councilors). I usually volunteer on Tues & Thurs but since yesterday was the first day of school I went in yesterday and today. It is always hectic the 1st couple of weeks of school as students are wanting to change schedules etc... but, can I just say I am SO sick of RUDE parents! Good grief. It is like they think THEIR child is the ONLY child in the school! "MY child is a Sr. so they get priority.... MY child this, MY child that..." yeah, yeah, yeah, get in line! LOL.... Why can't people just be nice?!!! Okay, that's all. I am through.
HAHAHAHA! I just got this picture off of Jodi's blog... cracks me up! (go look at her blog, she is too cute!)

How to deal with the difficult people in your life...


Robin Beck said...

Hi there,
Very cute blog you have here~! I'm thrilled you stopped by mine and left a comment! The calkboard pots are super simple...I was shocked how well the paint goes on and smooths out. If you do one-Post it...I would love to see it. I will post my fall ones and my Christmas ones when that time comes around.
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

1st of all...I WANT TO BE A GUIDANCE COUNSELOR!!! That is what I dream of becoming....hopefully one day i can get back in school and make that happen!

2nd...YOUCH!! That TOILET paper looks painful BUT (no pun intended) it looks like it could get things THOROUGHLY clean!!

jayne said...

You make me laugh.

Jan said...

I am so with you on the rude thing. I usally suspect my child over others sometimes which isn't fair to them. But they need to put that grate toilet paper in the rude person only bathrooms. They grate on our nerves, they need a little grate somewhere too.. Sorry you have to deal with so much.

tammy said...

Oh I hate rude people too and those that think their children are better, or that the rules don't apply to them. I've been to known to post vents about rude people too!

p.s. I did send a very nice email to the counselor at my son's school, asking if there was any way he could change to a subject he had interest in. He's only 7th grade, so it won't affect him in the long run, but it would just make life much happier if he could change. Thanks for you input!

Jodi said...

What is it with parent's thinking their child is THEE only one? I guess I have probably been guilty of it too though!

You are MORE than welcome on the
s"wiping" of the grater thought! That one needs to be passed around and around until all those difficult people have felt the to speak! :o)

Jodi said...

Oh and I meant to tell you how absolutely cool that is that you volunteer doing that! That kind of job deserves a hefty paycheck and you do it for free! That is very admirable!

Scrappy Girl said...

That is SO that pic. Hope things settle down at school. I have seen and heard a few of those parents.

tiki_lady said...

I have so been there! I think people who are rude are blind sighted and only see the world how it effects them giving no care how they effect others.

Linda said...

Dealing with the public is not an easy task...and you're not even getting paid for it! Hopefully within the next couple of weeks things will settle down a bit.

Joneel said...

It's nice that people love their kids and want to stick up for them,
but haven't they heard the saying "You catch more bees with honey"

Becky said...

Rude parent's are the worst. I think they forget that there are other women out there and just because they're speaking to a lady who happens to be working - that she "must not have kids either". Sheesh! BE REAL!

Good job on keeping your cool :)

Ashley said...

That is hilarious! I can think of a few people I'd like to do that to. :)

Pancake said...

YIKES! I dont think I am coming to your house if thats the TP you are using now adays!

Shaila, sorry you had such a crappy day! Did the hire anyone for the office? Or are you all still short staffed?

Anonymous said...

Crazy people! That stinks.

Love the pic.

Pancake said...

I gave you an award on my blog, go pick it up!

Decor To Adore said...

Very funny! I love your blog.